Christmas Boxes to Kandahar

SJHS doesn’t just remember its soldiers from historical conflicts.  While those were undoubtedly important to our school’s history, there is a lack of immediacy that comes from the simple fact of historical distance.  Sadly, however, SJHS was also touched by the current conflict in Afghanistan, having lost of one of our alumni in 2008 to an IED.  We also remember those who are currently serving in our Forces at home and overseas.

As such, in November of 2010, Ms Lewell’s IB French Immersion Modern History 111 class put together two boxes of goodies to send to Kandahar.

Happy kids, writing Christmas cards to send to the Sandbox.

This was made possible for two reasons.  Firstly, Canada Post was offering free shipping for post to Canadian troops in Afghanistan for the Christmas Holidays.  Secondly, it happened that the husband of a high school friend of Ms Lewell’s (in a truly Saint John-style story) was posted overseas this winter, and would be spending Christmas there.  This made Ms Lewell think:  wouldn’t it be nice to send some treats from home to those troops who would be spending Christmas far away from home and their families?

The class pulled together in a truly admirable fashion, sending all kinds of books, cookies, microwaveable Kraft Dinner (who knew that was so popular?) and Tim Horton’s Gift Cards.  For indeed, there is  a Tim Horton’s at Kandahar Air Force base in Afghanistan.  There were also Christmas Cards and letters sent to the troops.  We assembled the boxes in the week leading up to Remembrance Day, and Ms Lewell posted them shortly afterwards.

A goofy shot of some really generous kids.

The boxes went on their merry way.  It takes a long time for post to get to Kandahar.  But this week we heard from our designated target.

Our guy is on the left... Actor Paul Gross is on the right. Ms Lewell is very jealous. Paul Gross! He's awesome!

Our boxes arrived safe and sound, much to Ms Lewell’s relief.   The Tim Horton’s gift cards were quickly broken into, and the crew took the time to send a photo of their enjoying a well-earned coffee break.

Coffee break in the Sandbox!

Hopefully the class was able to bring some Christmas Cheer to this crew so far from home this Holiday season.   Stay safe, guys, and come back home.

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