Remembrance Day

Click here to see the 2010 Remembrance Day projects from Ms. Wood’s students.

Why do we remember?

SJHS has a long tradition of recognizing its history and the efforts of its alumni and former students, particularly in the great wars of the 20th Century.  We remember them every November with the school’s Remembrance Ceremony.

With each year, however, we are further removed from these events, and the cultural memory begins to dim.  We choose to make the effort to remember and to honour the efforts of Canadian soldiers, specifically of those men and women associated with Saint John High School.We remember their strength.  We remember their determination.  We remember their compassion.

We remember all of the SJHS alumni who gave their lives in service in the First and Second World Wars.

Pte. D. Greenslade, class of 2004

We also remember Pte. David Greenslade, class of 2004, killed in Afghanistan in April of 2008.

2 responses to “Remembrance Day

  1. Gina


    I am currently enrolled in an Education course at UNBSJ where one of our assignments was to choose a local soldier who was killed in action during WWI. I am a Saint John High School graduate and after coming across your site, I decided to research George Lyman Anglin. I discovered the date of his death you have listed is not consistent with what is listed in the Library and Archives Canada. George fought in the Battle of Vimy ridge and died on April 9th, 1917 which was the first day of the campaign. Your site has his date of death listed as September 4th, 1917.

    Since completing my course assignment, I have a much deeper understanding and respect for our veterans and the sacrifices they have made. I am very impressed with your site and the work which has gone into it’s creation. Keep up the great work!


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